
Welcome to the documentation of the hacking labs. Here you will find all the information you need to get started with the hacking labs. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Getting started

If you have already created an account you can skip this part otherwise, go to the registration page to create an account.

Here you can proceed by filling in the form. After you filled in the form, you will need to verify your email before having access to the platform. You can do so by verifying your email with the link you received in your mailbox. This will redirect you to a page to confirm that your email has been verified.

Congratulations, you have now access to the platform!

Join a classroom

Before you van start hacking, you will need to join a classroom. You can do so by a code that has been shared with you or by receiving an invitation by the classroom organiser.

Join a classroom by code

Head over to the classrooms page where you can see the button to join a class. Click on the button and provide the code of the classroom. If the code was valid, you will be added to the classroom.

Join by invitation

If you have been invited for a classroom, you should see the invitation on your dashboard as well as on the classrooms page. You can simple join the classroom by accepting the invitation.




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